Navigating PMDD During University Finals

PMDD stress how therapy can help - Impart Therapy

It’s finals week. Empty coffee cups stack up, and deadlines feel like they’re piling on top of me. For most students, this is already a stressful time—papers to write, exams to cram for, and an overwhelming pressure to perform. But for women with PMDD (Premenstrual Dysphoric Disorder), like myself, finals can feel even more intense […]

My Journey as a Newcomer to Canada: an Immigrant Psychotherapist

An immigrant to Canada - psychotherapy

Moving to a new country is a journey filled with excitement, hope, and sometimes, uncertainty. As a newcomer to Canada, I had the unique challenge of not only setting into a new culture but also transitioning from a career as an ABA (Applied Behavior Analysis) therapist to becoming a psychotherapist. For anyone curious about being […]

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