What causes PMDD?
Experts are uncertain what causes PMDD, but it is linked to the brain’s reaction to the fluctuating hormones during our cycle. PMDD is thought to be caused by an abnormal sensitivity to the normal cyclical changes in hormones that occur each month following ovulation (Eisenlohr-Moul, 2019).
PMDD Sufferers
PMDD sufferers do not have a hormonal imbalance but rather a sensitivity to hormonal fluctuations. This sensitivity likely exists on a continuum or spectrum, with severity ranging from absent, mild, moderate, or severe. This can change month by month or even year by year. Perimenopause (the transition into menopause, which on average lasts about 4 years) is a reported particularly difficult time for PMDD sufferers.
If you think you may have PMDD, talk to your doctor.
You may be asked to track your symptoms for a period of three months before a diagnosis can be made, and you can download a tracker here.